Given the degree of ignorance I see about reflux medications, how they work, and limitations of such medications, our office has written up a new webpage that goes over the different categories of reflux medications with an explanation of how such medications help to address acid reflux. Such medications include:
• Antacids
• H2 Blockers
• Proton pump inhibitors
• Barriers
• Combinations
What is also explained are the limitations of such medications when it comes to disorders like non-acid reflux.
Check it out here!
Some example reflux medications that can be purchased over-the-counter:
• Antacids
• H2 Blockers
• Proton pump inhibitors
• Barriers
• Combinations
What is also explained are the limitations of such medications when it comes to disorders like non-acid reflux.
Check it out here!
Some example reflux medications that can be purchased over-the-counter: