@ENTHouse brought to my attention a FANTASTIC website that literally identifies and goes through all anatomic structures on every slice of a CT or MRI scan of the head.
Sinus cavities, blood vessels, nerves, bone, suture lines, etc...
Wish I thought of doing it first...
It may be a bit confusing for a layperson, but if you have a copy of your CT/MRI scan and wonder where the maxillary sinus or optic nerve is located on your scan, check this website out and you probably can figure it out!
Check it out!
Sinus cavities, blood vessels, nerves, bone, suture lines, etc...
Wish I thought of doing it first...
It may be a bit confusing for a layperson, but if you have a copy of your CT/MRI scan and wonder where the maxillary sinus or optic nerve is located on your scan, check this website out and you probably can figure it out!
Check it out!